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LGBT: Time Management

Somebody once told me that you make time for what is important to you. I used to laugh at this because I believed time was already dictated. Think about it! If you have to be to work at 7:00 am then you will be to work at 7:00 am. If work ends at 3:00 pm, then you are able to leave work at 3:00 pm. So time for the most part is dictated. There are times when we have moments of freedom. We escape the trap of having to do certain things everyday at the same times. This escape is when we are suppose to make time for other things that need to be done. A lot of people run errands or turn to hobbies in their spare time and others try to spend time with the ones they love. This is where that old saying comes into play.

The belief is if your relationship is important to you then it will be a must that you make time to spend with your significant other. Is that fair? We all get busy and allow life to control the little time we have. There comes a time when you and your significant other maybe become distant because the time is not being spent together. A wise woman (my grandmother) once said to me that it is not about the quantity of time but the quality. We all can make a few minutes to spend with somebody but what does that really mean? Grandma had it right. Quality is what is important. I have great memories of spending a few hours with people and have spent an entire week with others and can't remember anything good at all. There was quantity in the time but no real quality.

Help me out if I am wrong about this. Yes I do enjoy spending a lot of time with my significant other but I enjoy the quality of the time we spend together more. Honestly if we are going to be around each other and sit in silence; what's the point? I want engaging active conversation and experiences. Anything else is just quantity and a waste of time.


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Tag(s) : #LGBT, #Love, #Time, #Relationships, #Gay, #Gay Marriage, #Girlfriend, #Lesbian, #LGBTQ, #life
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